The 2017 Breathing Space speakers are sure to exceed your expectations. They will address everything from how to improve your blog and how to make money, to makeup and hair tips, and home decor. It’s the perfect mixture of business and pleasure!
If you are interested in presenting at Breathing Space, please contact us.
Susan Petersen
Susan is the one-woman-show behind Freshly-Picked‚ an inspirational and lifestyle blog. She also makes moccasins for the rich and famous (or at least their kids) and runs an online shop that sells fine leather goods under the same name, Freshly Picked. She provides marketing strategy and campaign planning for Vivint and numerous small shop owners and bloggers. She lives in Utah with her handy-man husband and two small children.
Desiree Campbell
Desirée describes herself as a mother times four, her husband’s girlfriend, and a paint brush’s best friend. After years of working in interior design, she decided to share her passion for DIY into her own corner dedicated to creativity – The 36th Avenue. She is grateful that blogging has given her the opportunity to share her love for transforming, creating and reinventing with millions of friends and readers.
Jason Hewlett
Tonya Olsen
Tonya is the author of Room Recipes. She has always had a passion for designing charming, budget-friendly rooms and projects. She loves to combine traditional interior design principles with personal, do-it-yourself flair. Tonya shares ownership of LIV Showroom, a full-service interior design firm and retail showroom, and holds a master’s degree in interior design. She is also the lead interior designer for Utah home builder Rainey Homes. Tonya has over 20 years of professional design experience, bargain shopping fortitude, and do-it-yourself gumption.
Carol Tuttle
Carol Tuttle is an acclaimed alternative psychotherapist, best-selling author and 20-year pioneer in the self-help arena. “Dressing Your Truth- Discover Your Personal Beauty Profile” is her fourth book and the first to apply her proven therapeutic techniques towards women’s fashion and beauty. She is widely recognized for using the most current internet technology to create online resources and learning portals that have helped tens of thousands of women improve the quality of their lives and relationships.
Alissa Circle
Alissa is a wife, mother, Editor of Rags to Stitches, Co-Founder of Pollinate Media Group, a lifestyle blogging agency and Circle of Moms Top 10 Mompreneur of 2012. Alissa loves finding ways to build up the blogging community; sharing stories of what she has learned through her blogging journey and vast experience working with brands. She has a consulting program she built to help blog + biz newbies navigate the world of social media and create goals for how to continue to grow. She also travels, speaking at conferences and events around the nation.…